Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Abdur Rehman
4 min readAug 27, 2021

A time management technique called the Pomodoro Technique encourages people to work with the clock instead than against it. A 25-minute chunk of your workday is divided up in intervals of five minutes using this approach. These intervals are called pomodoros.

You may utilize the Pomodoro Technique to enhance your productivity and get more done in a shorter period of time. Procrastination (by Tim Urban) and the Pomodoro technique will be discussed in this blog (Harvard University expert). By using this method we can better assess whether creating timetables and providing refreshments for the sake of doing things differently is beneficial.

“The time management is the key Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done “ (john cena)

Eat that Frog

A Pomodoro timer combined with a frog can be used to fight procrastination, allowing you to complete your assignment on time.

To procrastinate means to postpone anything that must be done immediately.

Eat that Frog

“Time is the best we want most, but we use worst”

(William Penn)

The key issue is time management according to the task; sometimes the difficulty is too short, but we take more since we don’t know how to use our time properly. So the issue here is taking online classes. Every time I tried to take it, I encountered problems, thus we are going to solve that problem in a short period of time.

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
Karen Lamb


In 25 minutes, I’ll start watching the video. Before I begin, I remove any distractions. I sat there and watched the film with my eyes wide open. I’m also keeping track of the crucial aspects that assist me enhance my skills and practise. During the lesson, I’m not paying attention to the timer. As soon as I hear the timer go off, I stop what I am doing. There were a lot of distractions during this presentation, including the doorbell, a phone call from my house, and social media notifications, to name a few.

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”
Abraham Lincoln

2 Attemp

I’ll restart the timer after the break. Then I get to work on my project. I re-watched the lectures and jotted down the key aspects that I believe are relevant or required for me. I removed several distractions from my environment, and now only one remains and that one is internet connection.

internet speed check

so I decided to live in the hostel where no one disturbed me and internet service is 15mbs also.It was a really effective and well-mannered approach, as I removed all the distractions and sat in a quiet place.

“I’m a big believer in putting things off, In fact, I even put off procrastinating.

-Ella Varner”


In the beginning, you set the goal and then break it down into smaller parts. Set a timer for each of the steps in the process. Now set your Pomodoro to 25 minutes, and you’re all set! Put in a few hours on the assignment.Put a star or a tick on a piece of paper when the timer goes off. Then, you take a 3–5 minute break before continuing your work. Take a lengthier pause (15–20 minutes) after four Pomodoros.

Thank’s Amal Team.

